Consulting support for chemical management

Chemical policy in Thailand is currently in transition from hazard-base to risk-base under the framework of Hazardous Substance Act B.E.2535 (1992) in line with international practice on chemical management. Ministry of Industry (MoI) published Notification on 19 Feb 2015 to collect information on existing chemicals in Thailand.  Manufacturers or importers of hazardous substances exceeding 1 ton per year has been required to notify information about their hazardous substances to the Department of Industrial Works (DIW)  via online system. Following to the above-mentioned MoI Notification, DIW announced released of Preliminary of Thailand Existing Chemicals Inventory by the Notification dated on 30 June 2016. DIW is currently working on development of Existing Chemicals Inventory. It is expected that new chemicals will face further requirement including risk assessment, which will increase burden of the industry.

What we do

EnviX Asia, located in Bangkok, provides an consulting support for chemical management to industries. Our support service covers,

  • Application of Notification (Type-2 Hazardous Substance)
  • Application of License for production / import / export / having in possession (Type-3 Hazardous Substance)
  • Application of Registration (Type-2 & Type 3 Hazardous Substance)
  • Application of existing chemical notification (Hazardous substance List 5.6)
  • Development of SDS and label in Thai
  • Application of CBI
  • Other issues related to chemical management

Hazardous Substance Act B.E. 2535 (1992)

Hazardous Substance Act B.E. 2535 published in 1992 is a key legislation to control hazardous chemicals in Thailand. The act regulates production, import, export or possession of hazardous substances. In the act, hazardous substances are defined as;

  1.  Explosives
  2.  Flammable substances
  3.  Oxidizing agents and peroxides
  4.  Toxic substances
  5.  Infectious substances
  6.  Radioactive substances
  7.  Mutagens
  8.  Corrosive substances
  9.  Irritating substances
  10.  Other substances either chemicals or otherwise which may cause injury to humans, animals, plants, properties, or the environment.

Hazardous substances are classified into 4 categories, Type 1, 2, 3 & 4 based on their hazard. The classification is announced in the Hazardous Substance List.

Hazardous Substance List

The current version of Hazardous Substances List was published in 2013. The list contains over 1,500 items covering various chemicals controlled by different ministries in charge. It is mainly comprised of 6 lists based on the responsible departments. Hazardous chemicals for industrial use in List 5 is controlled by DIW.

List 1:  Hazardous Substances regulated by Department of Agriculture
List 2: Hazardous Substances regulated by Department of Fisheries
List 3: Hazardous Substances regulated by Department of Livestock Development
List 4: Hazardous Substances regulated by Food and Drug Administration
List 5: Hazardous Substances regulated by Department of Industrial Works

  • 5.1  Controlled Substances
  • 5.2 Chemical Wastes
  • 5.3 Used Electrical and Electronic Appliance
  • 5.4 Others
  • 5.5 Chemical Weapons
  • 5.6 Groups of Substances Controlled by their Properties

List 6: Hazardous Substances regulated by Department of Energy Business

Since 2013, Hazardous Substance List has been updated in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Requirement for Type 1, 2 & 3 Hazardous Substances

Requirement for Type 1, 2 & 3 Hazardous Substances can be summarized as shown in the following table.